The year 2009. Yet again an eventful year with great recession across the globe still my hands were saved by gods grace.
On Jan 1, 2009 I was at Charlotte, North Carolina. As many others have, I don't have the practice of taking any new year resolution. One thing I was keen for the year 2009 is to hone up my skills and I believed that time, that this year is going to be a remarkable year for me.
Now, I would say. YES IT WAS. The journey of this one year in my life will be there in my memory for long time, next to my college days. It is not just because of different people I met, the persons I got inspired, friends I earned, the places I visited, the dreams which I lived, the changes that I drove etc, there are many other things which cannot be listed at one shot.
It was in the end of 2008, I travelled from India to Charlotte. Followed by that, after some 4 belligerent months there, I was made to travel to the place where I am now. (Cupertino, California.) Since I was eager to face new things that time, I was working in the assignment with my full spirit which really helped the team a lot.
Challenges always come with the package of satisfaction when you face that willfully. The first project at Charlotte and the project after moving to Silicon Valley are those kind. Later things are different. The end of dawn, away from lovable family has started. The focus is not on the challenges that I am expected to shoulder.
On the other side, this year till now, I haven't wrote one complete poem to my satisfaction. Probably, I do not want to make some of my hard feelings in black and white.
On the whole, the year 2009 is a memorable year for multiple reasons... I am expecting lot of changes both in my professional and personal life in the cooming year 2010.
With lot of hopes, dreams and prayers, I welcome the new Year 2010 !!!
Wish you all Happy New Year 2010 !
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Year 2009 !!!
Posted by
All Dimensions
7:01 pm
Labels: Days at US
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Some facts about your brain
Toady I raed an aritlce wihch I fuond so interesting. Tihs epxlians how the hmuan bairn wroks. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are witren, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Posted by
All Dimensions
12:06 am
Labels: Leisure
Sunday, September 20, 2009
பழக எளியவள்,
நளினம் அவள் உடல்...
வன்மையும் மென்மையும் கொண்டவள்,
இடையோ ஆறு...
அவளை போற்றுவதே எனக்கு பேறு !
அவளை ரசித்தவர் நூறாயிரம்,
அதனால் பலர் வடித்தனர் பா ஆயிரம் !
மொத்தத்தில் அவள் ஓர் இனிமை,
அவளை பாடுவதே எனக்கு பெருமை...
என்னுள் நிறைந்தவள்...
என்னை ஈர்த்வள்...
தமிழர் அறிந்தவள்...
என் "தமிழ்த்திருமகள்"
Posted by
All Dimensions
3:30 pm
Labels: kavithai
Saturday, May 16, 2009
My Lonely Days
I feel that the days that I am passing now will be there in my mind for a long time. After some years, I may remember these days as the lonely days of my life. Though I am staying in the country which is a dream for many, though I am working in the technology where I have good expertise, though I have nice roommates, though I am earning more than I need, there is a kind of loneliness which is filling my heart and soul.
I read an article about the people who spend most of their time for their work and ignoring/sacrificing their personal interest. That adds little more fuel to this burning thought. The gist is this: For the people who ignores all their personal interest and stretching hard for heading the race in their corporate world, it says 'Even if you win the rat race, a rat is still a rat’. :)
From the time I read that article, those lines are ringing in my ears. I feel that life is becoming a prison now. Not with the walls and grilled gate, but with the situations and so called fate. I am just moving on its stream with very less control of mine. But my time will come; I believe I will break this prison on that day. Else..............
.. as my friend recommended, I will try to enjoy the walls and grill of this prison itself and will accept it with the fake smile.
PS: Nice blog with so much feeling know... Nothing. Its all is just to get the readers' sympathy... Chumma vilayatukku.... ;)
Posted by
All Dimensions
11:07 am
Labels: Days at US
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Memorable First day in US
It was a long and nice travel in air from my homeland to the land of hopes and dreams. When I landed in the capital city of that nation,it was little scary in the mind yet it was really a nice feeling.
Ok... Some how reached safely. Now I need to travel from district of columbia to the queen city of Unites states. When I am asking for coins in one of the book shop in the airport, to my surprise it was an Indian who is the owner of that shop.
She greeted me with a smile and gave her phone to make a call to my friend. Though we communicated in foreign language, the bondage and the spirit of being an Indian makes us to feel closer. I felt so happy in heart since the start is so good to get a help from an Indian for my first need in the foreign nation.
I didnt had a good sleep in flight. I felt so sleepy and my next flight is after 3 hours. So, all the check-in are done with no hurry. I enquired and was waiting for flight in one of the gate. The time came, but not the announcement. I waited for some time there then enquired. That is the shocking news. This is not the gate, I need to go to other gate.
For those who do not know, the gate that they told,can be reached by bording a shuttle vehicle from the place I was that time. Thats it. The challenge started there.
But I told to myself that nothing to worry. Even if needed I will take another ticket to travel to my destination. I called to my friend who will be waiting for me at my destination to pick me from airport. I called him to tell this situation. As usual I reached his voice mail. Do you know what that will say, here is this after his introduction, "You know the drill, talk after the beep". Nothing to talk, have to do something in action. Prepared myself for getting another ticket for the next flight to the customer care of that airways.
Meanwhile, I called my immediate manager to inform that I will be late to the destination and to convey this info to my brother in India. I just checked with him regarding the security there. He told me this, "Hey Gowsik, you are in airport, that too in the capital city of United states". This comforts me a little. Then, to the customer care for getting my ticket for the next flight.
When I am in the queue, I saw the board showing all the flight timings to Charlotte. No flights after that time in night. Next flight is on next day morning only. To add fuel to the flame, an american girl who stood next to me was crying for the same reason of missing the flight
Will continue later when I find time...
Posted by
All Dimensions
12:11 am
Labels: Days at US
Monday, March 02, 2009
உன் நினைவுகள் என்னை நெருங்கும் போது,
கற்பனை குதிரை கட்டவிழுந்து ஓடும்,
கவிதைகளால் பல காகிதம் நிறையும்,
கனவுகளால் எந்தன் இரவுகள் கழியும்!
எத்தனை நாள் இப்படியே கற்பனையில் கழிக்க!
என்று வந்து என் கண்ணீரை உன் காலடியில் தெலிக்க!
என் மனமும் எப்போதும் உன்னையே நினைக்க.
உன்னை விட்டு ஏன் வந்தேன்
இங்கு நான் தனிமையில் தவிக்க?
Posted by
All Dimensions
4:25 pm
Labels: kavithai